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Campus Administrators

Campus Administrator Access:

Special access is not required to be able to submit campus winners to the regional level. Campus winners should only be submitted to the regional level by the chapter’s designated OTM Coordinator. 


Viewing OTM Submissions:

Once nominations have been submitted, a PDF is generated in a shared folder organized by Month and Institution. You can navigate to this folder by clicking on the “View Submissions” button on the "Submit an OTM" page, or by clicking on the button below. 


Coordinating Campus-Level Voting:

There is not a formalized voting process for the campus level. OTM Coordinators can access submitted OTMs through their institution’s folder and either share the link to the folder or download their institution’s folder and distribute the PDFs. We recommend downloading the folder and distributing the PDFs since it will allow for renaming of files. 

Regional Submission Process:

Campus winners can be submitted for regional consideration through region specific Google Forms at the bottom of this page. Nominations will be submitted by uploading the PDFs to the google form. Only one form response is required per institution, as there will be options to submit nominees for all categories in one submission. Before submitting, please rename your nominees using the format “Nominee_Category_Month.” For example, “Marty Moose_Advisor_January 2022.” If you have any questions about submitting to the regional level, please contact your regional ADNRHH.

Campus Administrators | Submissions

Regional-Level OTM Submissions

Please submit campus winners to be reviewed at the regional level by selecting your regions link below!




© National Residence Hall Honorary


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